One Page Summary
An easy to understand summary of our Strategic Plan starting in 2024
Full Strategic Plan
Yorkville Public Library initiated a strategic planning process starting in late 2023. Fast Forward Libraries LLC was engaged in January 2024 to facilitate the planning process in three phases: Learn, Dream, Do. The Learn phase entailed forming a Planning Team to guide the process, gathering feedback from staff and trustees, conducting a community survey, and leading focus groups. In the Dream phase, trustees and staff members discussed priorities and possible future pathways for the library at retreat sessions. This strategic plan will guide the library through the Do phase, as the library carries out its vision for the future.
Learning Report
The Yorkville Public Library launched a strategic planning process in February 2023. As part of the
process, the library devoted a significant amount of time listening to community needs and interests to
inform and guide the process. This report represents a summary of the data gathered directly and
indirectly using various tools and methods from the community and the library’s Board of Directors and
staff during this phase of the process.